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SPECULATION Kylo Ren's Secret Mission

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by master_shaitan, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. timonder

    timonder Clone Commander

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hence my wording "did originally occur". :) The scene has been moved, from what I'v read.

    WOW! Good one! I could totally buy that. So you're basically saying that Rey was making ripples too soon! No wonder Kylo freaked out in that control room! The whole point of being with Snoke and the FO was gone when his little niece nicked the Falcon and the droid.
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  2. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    yes, but it was moved from being a "pull to the light" reference to Finn, which doesn't really seem to feed into either argument ~ hahaha

    if anything, it's a good indication that his conflict is independent of "the girl", the droid, everything (if they could just move it around so easily).
  3. Dark Toilet

    Dark Toilet Force Sensitive

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Like I said, I'm not really married to the idea, as I have always disliked the whole "ancient evil resurrected" bad guy trope and I am just as uncomfortable with that idea with respect to loved ones. Quite frankly, that whole motivation for Anakin in the PT was quite hollow for me, so I don't really like that potential "mirror" in the ST. Nonetheless, it is just sitting here staring us in the face. I worry that it could be an element of the ST because Kylo Ren wants to finish what Vader started and that motivation for Anakin was such an overwhelming one. It would definitely be a gutsy way for TPTB to go with the ST, but I fear it would be very difficult to pull off convincingly.

    This would definitely be my preference and I think the possibility that the biggest secret reveal is not Rey's parentage, but that Kylo Ren was actually the one who saved her or spared her, could be a monumental one, especially when it comes to the inevitable temptation for Rey to the dark and Kylo Ren's redemption and pull back to the light... to the extent he is actually redeemable after what he did. ;)

    But to me, the dichotomy inherent in all Skywalkers is the big climax for the ST: Does Rey go dark or does Kylo come back to the light?
    Fair enough... but remember, Yoda did tell Luke that he should sacrifice his friends if he must... or some words to that effect. ;)
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  4. timonder

    timonder Clone Commander

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Your theory has the additional benefit of being an elegant way to put Master Luke in the backseat without doing away with him, something Mark Hamill had expected to happen anyway, if I remember correctly. So young Kylo is basically sizing up his uncle at the new Temple, and he goes, "Naah, you're getting old, man. I'd rather wait for your little kid to come of age, and then I'll rule with her." I mean, that's the first thing he says to Lor San Tekka as well. "Look how old you've become." Nicely irreverent.
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  5. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Problem is the Jedi slaughter apparently occurs 8 years or so after Rey is left on Jakku - so far as we know.
    Now I am still skeptical about this. I have my doubts about the Jedi destruction happening 6-7 years before TFA as Pablo says. For starters, it would make Kylo 24 when that occurs and that for me is too old for him to be just a boy and for Han not to have seen his face since he became a man. But alas, it is all we have for now.
    Therefore, for Kylo to be the one to have dropped Rey off on Jakku that means he would've been 16. That for me is just too young to be doing all that.
    What's more, Kylo would know straight away who Rey is - a girl with the same clothes, same hairstyle with no parents from Jakku. Yeah, he'd know.

    However, if the Jedi massacre happened 15 years before TFA, as I originally suspected - that would of course tie in with Rey being left on Jakku at age 5. I think the event that happened 6-7 years before TFA was the Clan massacre from the flashback. Every time I read the tweet from Pablo it to me appears that he has his wires crossed and is talking about the other scene. I know Bloodline may or may not suggest otherwise but I don't think Pablo's suggestion has been confirmed yet???

    As I discussed in some other threads, I feel that Rey being left on Jakku and Luke's map being there fore LST to eventually find (when he retires there) is no coincidence. And it has to tie in with Rey's folks whether one of them is Luke or not. Anyway, that's for a different discussion - the question is, how does this tie in with Kylo Ren?

    The script makes it clear that Kylo Ren once had possession of Luke's saber, lost it and was shocked to see Finn carry it. Kylo also knows about the map to Luke and has obviously had a close relationship with LST in the past. Again - I think this all has to tie in together somehow - with Rey's folks, the map, the saber, Jakku, the flashback. I'm guessing that Luke holds the key.

    One other thing that just struck me however is in how Kylo Ren strikes down LST. Now, people say that Kylo got angry and lashes out. Ok, I can kinda buy that. But then again, Kylo is desperate to find the map. He is yet to acquire it. And who is to say that LST doesn't himself know where Luke is? Surely his desire to get to Luke overrides LST's few tame comebacks? I am wondering if Kylo was worried about what LST might say here? That he was concerned with the direction the conversation was going? Does this tie in with his secret agenda?

    I realise I have just rambled here but you might be able to make some sense from it! Good luck!
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  6. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    i hear you about the sacrifice thing and there's room for that, for sure. it just doesn't feel like there was enough crisis to call for it (to me anyway).

    not knowing what Vader started that he wants to finish is really a huge matter of interpretation still. whether it connects to this idea of immortality or ruling the galaxy or bringing balance to the Force.

    personally, i think it's about bringing balance to the Force; he's just going about it in a monumentally deluded fashion due to Snoke's influence.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 26, 2016 ---
    i think killing LST is a dramaturgical thing, not a secret plot thing.

    by cutting down LST, we see that Kylo Ren has a hot button about his family, that he's stupidly impulsive, and it foreshadows that he's going to sabotage his own goals every chance he gets (and not intentionally ~ hahaha).

    that said, i do think his relationship with LST is an interesting point that i hope gets explored somewhere.
    i want LST to have a bigger part in all of this because he was awesome.
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  7. RockyRoadHux

    RockyRoadHux Ginger General

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Does it? Would you mind posting the exact passage? :) Thanks!

    Now quoting Wookiepedia :D

    "According to the First Order, the Jedi were officially extinct, while it was forbidden to pronounce Kylo Ren's birth name by order of Supreme Leader Snoke himself."

    I think Kylo was uncomfortable with where the conversation was going. LST mentioned "I know where you come from before you called yourself Kylo Ren" , I guess Kylo simply wanted to shut him up.

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  8. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    In reply, Finn TURNS ON LUKE'S LIGHTSABER -- upon seeing the weapon, Kylo Ren REACTS IN SHOCK.

    Kylo: That lightsaber. It belongs to me!
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  9. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    it's not really confirmation, but i agree the logical assumption is that he must have at least seen it at some point because he recognizes it.
    the novel is equally vague:

    Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 2.15.03 PM.png
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  10. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    I think he had it. I think that scene in the leaks about the KoR taking it from the Clan and then Maz stealing it back is true...all of it.
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  11. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    i think there's something to that too. clearly it's something he covets and would have wanted if he knew it was out there.

    i also wonder (this just got kicked loose in the thread about Maz & Rey) whether that silly lightsaber plays a bigger part in whatever this agenda Ren has regarding Luke. i keep going back to the idea of the Fisher King and the wounding sword and the circularity of that story.

    i think Ren touched the saber and it told him something, but then he lost it, so he sought out Vader's mask hoping to reconnect, but hasn't been able to. i think the saber isn't important because it was Luke's, but because it was Anakin's. and this is why he thinks there's something to finish that Vader started.

    could just be grasping. but i can't help feeling that the saber does belong to Ren as his birthright ~ he's just not worthy of it at the moment, so it's gone to find a means to make him so.
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  12. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Exactly what I have been thinking.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 26, 2016 ---
    If Kylo did receive visions from the saber, then one would guess that they were similar to Rey's - in that it depicts the journey of the lightsaber and how it coincides with the life of the person having the vision.

    Rey see's parts of Bespin. In the novel it suggests she sees Luke and Vader fighting from afar. What if Kylo sees this event - and witnesses the "I am your father" line as well as "join me and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son"?

    If Kylo is obsessed with Vader maybe this is what he wants to do - he wants to turn Luke? Kylo Ren doesn't view Anakin and Vader as the same. So perhaps in saying he wants to kill Luke or "destroy the last Jedi", perhaps he is simply saying he wants to eliminate the light side Luke and rule the galaxy with the Dark Side Luke? Did Kylo murder the other Jedi to just wipe out the Jedi or to harm Luke psychologically? I wonder why Kylo (and the KoR if involved) didn't attack the academy when Luke was there. I mean, they're searching for him afterwards to "kill" so they must think themselves capable? So why not before? Is it because Kylo doesn't want to kill Luke? Did the vision from the saber show him Vader's ultimate goal? To rule the galaxy with his family? Is this also why Kylo avoids talking about Leia and didn't want the StarKiller to be used on the Resistance? Is his plan to rule the galaxy with Luke and Leia? Perhaps he saw killing his father as yet another way to harm Leia and Luke and turn them to the Dark Side?
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  13. Empire Jo

    Empire Jo Force Sensitive

    Feb 1, 2016
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    I think Kylo is basically selfish and entitled, and I don't know how family centric he is. Even though I think he yearns to be understood and have some sense of belonging, he doesn't really seem to be good at sgaring or playing well with others. He does seem to value members of his family that are more powerful, especially in the Force, than the mundane members. I guess there could be something in the idea of Kylo wanting to turn Luke. I am at least willing to toy with the idea of how it could work. Perhaps if we aply some Sith training philosophy to the situation.

    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…"
    ―Darth Plagueis

    So what would Luke see as his geatest strength, greatest fear? What would he cherish most, and what would he crave? And how would Kylo have helped put this into play? I have some ideas, but I'm on my way out so I'll have to come and tease this out a bit more later.
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  14. timonder

    timonder Clone Commander

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Most of all I think he would cherish a child of his own...
  15. Empire Jo

    Empire Jo Force Sensitive

    Feb 1, 2016
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    So Kylo's secret mission could be to knock up the most powerful force female he can find and start a powerful force dynasty that rules the galaxy forever?
    Not sure I buy it. Why do you think he wants a kid? The poor mother, imaginge having Kylo and a todler. Oh, the tantrums!

    Oh soz, you meant Luke. Yeah I get how that could tie into the turning Luke theory if Rey was his. I guess sacrificing yourself and your sister for the galaxy is one thing, but your offspring? Hmmm.
    #55 Empire Jo, Feb 27, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  16. timonder

    timonder Clone Commander

    Jan 31, 2016
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  17. Empire Jo

    Empire Jo Force Sensitive

    Feb 1, 2016
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    I really should read things more thoroughly and I keep telling myself not to post when I'm busy, tired or drunk. Then I realised if I did that, I would never post lol. Glad that gave you a laugh. It is my policy to try on all ideas, regardless of how silly, far fetched or wrong I might think them to be at first glance. Mostly as an exercise in open minded intellectual creativity, but it can yield interesting results.

    Anyways, back to topic.

    I think Kylo's secret agenda will be basically Kylo's, and though I think he may have been manipulated in the past he has his own priorities now. And I think he is still basically a selfish, self involved teenager. I don't know what it would take to turn him selfless, but I hope the writers find something as I'm gunning for the redemption arc. I tend to shy away from the 'he's actually up to something good and we just think he's evil' scenarios, as this would lessen the power of any potential redemptive arc. Though I concede it is not a disproven hypothesis.
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  18. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    OT: that movie was the first thing i ever saw Adam Driver in that wasn't Star Wars. he was so good in it, but man it was a disturbing film.

    this is the train i'm riding as well. he's finally gotten to the point where he wants something of his own and he's frustrated with being used. and like you said before, he doesn't know how to treat other people or get along in the world ~ probably because he's always felt isolated and been torn between the whole "you're a special snowflake, but you're garbage" dynamic. his arrogance and his deep insecurities are completely at war in him.

    i think whatever he's up to is grey at best (muddled, confused). he wouldn't know "good' from "bad" if he stepped in it.
  19. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    In an interview, Adam Driver talks about how the KOR existed before he joined and that they are a satellite group - I'm guessing he means they had their own agenda outside what is going on/Snoke/FO.

    Now, in the leaks, it was said that the KOR had many clashes with the Clan that we see them butcher in the flashback and that this clan had Anakin's saber (to fight against the KOR with). After the Rens kill the clan, they "looted" them apparently.

    This sets the KOR apart from the FO as Driver implies. So with this being the case it gives Kylo an alterior motive to Snoke from the get go. I'm wondering if Snoke teaching Kylo is more of an agreement between the two. Snoke teaches Kylo and Kylo does Snoke's dirty work. But for Kylo, it's the mission of the KOR that is central to him - not what Snoke and the FO want.

    In Aftermath, the Acolytes of the Beyond wanted to return Vader's red saber to him in death. They appeared an evil cult that although said they were not violent, might well end up to be. Is this a nod to them becoming the KOR and link in with Vader's ultimate goal of having power over death? Perhaps this does tie in with the quest for immortality - that is why Luke goes to Ahch-To - to find the teachings of the Whills? Maybe Kylo knows that Luke holds this secret knowledge?

    Obviously there are links with Plagues here but maybe best avoid talking about him in this thread?!
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  20. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    i'm with you on most of this, but i think Snoke and Ren's relationship is not so "mutual" (for lack of a better word).
    i still feel like Snoke tolerates this KOR hobby of Ren's because it gives him a modicum of agency (or the appearance of agency), and keeps Ren cheerfully focused on the Dark side. meanwhile, Snoke is controlling everything: Ren, the KOR, etc.

    i could be way off base because i'm speculating on potential psychological subtexts about which we have scant evidence and one bit of dialogue which could just as likely be a bad line reading.

    nevertheless, i agree that Ren still has ideas about Vader of his own and the KOR is part of that.
    #60 FN-3263827, Feb 27, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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