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Luke's Character Arc in TFA - the spirit of a wacky wizard

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by SpaceFlake, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. SpaceFlake

    SpaceFlake Rebelscum

    Oct 31, 2014
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    This is a continuation of some posts in the "Luke's Outfit" thread, and I wanted some more perspectives on this topic.



    We have seen pictures of Luke in TFA, with the beard of course and in full Jedi regalia yet we really know nothing about where his mind's at in TFA or what physical shape he's in. We know for sure that he is on Skellig Michael, a remote island in the middle of the ocean. We know that he is the "Macguffin" in the movie aka the thing all of the main characters are searching for, and probably won't be revealed until the end of the movie or perhaps even the very last scene. Here's my question: when, or if, Rey finds Luke at the end of the movie what shape is he going to be in? How long has he been on that island? 5 years? 10 years? 20 even?? Is he all alone out there? Maybe it's not so much a search at that point but a rescue? Maybe he has purposely left himself no way off the island; a way to both shield himself from attackers but also a way of not causing another rift in the force.

    I highly doubt that when we see him for the first time he will look as clean and put together as he does in the leaked photo of him in full robes (part of the reason I think that photo is from a holoprojection). The island doesn't look very civilized, and those huts don't look like they could shield anyone very well from the onslaught of storms that would shake the island. He would get battered and bruised, and his robes would be tattered and weathered.

    If he spends years in isolation on an island without any human contact then it's very possible that he has gone slightly mad, maybe even somewhat corrupted by the force. Not total darkside per se, but maybe a different version of the darkside: slight insanity. We all know Hamill himself is kind of a nutball, and that having so much power can corrupt the mind. Think of Yoda. He was one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy and he was kind of a whack job, an endearing and humorous one at that, and yet on the flip side so was the Emperor. Both of them were corrupted by their power yet in opposite ways. I can see Hamill injecting a little bit of himself into the role, bringing a little bit of his humor and nuttiness into the character.

    Yet, I think Luke's arc in the movie could be going from the deranged, mysterious, disheveled, cooky wizard on the island back to that confident and rock solid Jedi we got in ROTJ. I have heard rumors that he has lost control of the force, and that his power has grown to have a will of it's own such as objects floating around him without his consent. Part of his arc may be finally regaining control and balance of his own power. He has to have motivation to take him off the island and regain control though, and I think that reason is Rey. I don't think that Rey is his daughter but his niece, the daughter of Han, and if Han dies then Luke will be the closest thing she has to a father.

    I have one last somewhat crazy theory about Luke:

    He's blind.

    There are a few reasons I think this could be. One is that it would be a great extension of the scene in ANH where Ben puts the blast shield over Luke's eyes and tells him "Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them." That really is the first time we see Luke stretch out with his feelings and use the force, which is quite a big moment and could be reverse engineered by JJ and Kasdan into some epic foreshadowing for later. Another reason I think he's blind is the way he reaches out and places his hand on Artoo in the trailer. You can't see his face or what he's looking at, but something very subtle about his physical acting tells me that it's a big moment in the movie and that he isn't just placing his hand on Artoo but literally reaching out to FIND HIM to get his bearings. There have been rumors that the Knights of Ren bust into Luke's new Jedi Academy and murder all of Luke's new Jedi padawans, leaving him permanently scarred for life. They kidnap young Kylo Ren and take him into their order. Luke, recently blinded escapes with Rey and burns the dead bodies of his fallen padawans, reaches out to find Artoo by the fire, smuggles young Rey somewhere either on Jakku or with Han, and then retreats to the remote island to prevent anymore awful things from happening.


    I know this was a long post so thanks to anyone who bothered to read it all. These things have been burning in my head for awhile and it feels great to finally get them out there. Thoughts/opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. odmichael

    odmichael Rebel Official

    Sep 7, 2014
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    All bold theories.

    I believe that the leaked photo of Luke may be from the time of the Jedi Academy era. It's tough to say though if we will see his face at that point of the movie or if they will wait until the final act.

    I think he's been on Skellig for about 20 years, the time of the attack on the academy.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 17, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 17, 2015 ---
    I wouldn't mind him being blind. I could go either way on it. It'd definitely be cool!
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  3. lighteye

    lighteye Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Off topic - can we give more than one vote to a post? I really wanted to give both original and great post to this but could choose only one. /end of Off topic

    I find this thought really compelling! Yes, totally, I agree! If this saga is about Luke Skywalker, it needs to focus on his character in some ways, and what you just described above makes perfect sense. Who is Luke Skywalker? We all know this from RotJ, but as you so elegantly pointed out, we do not know where we find him at the beginning/end of TFA, or in what state. If we are to be told a story of a man who has everything in order, it actually makes very little sense from a story perspective. Just as much as this must be about new heroes finding their ways, I agree that there has to be a story to be told from Luke's perspective. Maybe, indeed, Luke may be estranged due to his experiences, and the new heroes will be the ones who will bring him back to his senses and help him to become the great Jedi he used to be?
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  4. Gassman

    Gassman Rebelscum

    Mar 10, 2015
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    I love it man.
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  5. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I would say that while I give some credibility to MSW over other speculative sources. We don't KNOW that Luke only appears at the end. I agree with you that is possible even likely I also think that he is the McGuffin and not the sabre the sabre is a device to find him through Maz. But even Jason Ward couched all of his Luke predictions to a few scenes when he released that idea.

    I think you well see Luke in flashback. I also think he will show up in the third act so that he has some camera time with Han even if it is kissing him on the forehead.
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  6. Mark Y Moon

    Mark Y Moon Rebelscum

    Apr 24, 2015
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    Warrior Monks! Like the original "Annals of the Whills" script. Like monks IRL, of various faiths, a period of seclusion and meditation is part of the natural and normal spiritual progression of a monk. Combined with the idea of the warrior monk, like in Samurai films (see Akira Kurasawa's films, also a very strong Star Wars ANH influence), the idea of a quest to find a renowned but illusive teacher/sensai/master to gain some great wisdom/fighting skills/help or all three is a genre trope.

    Skellig Michael is shaping to potensh be Devarron or similar - an old Jedi Temple. Current Canon EU comics (see Marvel Star Wars 9 & 10) have hinted that the Empire have not only wiped out the Jedi Knights, but have sought out all the old temples they could and destroyed them. The Imperial Palace has replaced the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and corrupted it with the Dark Side. Luke has uncovered a treasure trove of holocrons in possession of a Hutt crimelord, and in Weapon of a Jedi he found one of the very few remaining temples. There are strong recurring themes of Luke seeking out old, buried knowledge to try and figure out what a Jedi actually is, because he doesn't have a full picture. Shattered Empire Issue 4 (next week) looks like we will learn a little more about where this went post RotJ. Greg Rucka (author) recently said he is playing with the idea of Luke at peace post RotJ, like Qui-Gon Jinn, by inference, attuned with the "living force" - the seed and origination of force ghosts.

    So it looks like Luke might be off trying to improve himself, or slowly regain alllll that has been lost - while the Rebellion keeps fighting the endless fight against the Imperial Remnant, Luke looks elsewhere to help by teaching himself enough to rebuild the Jedi from the ground up. He might be training peeps, or he might not think he is ready yet, he might have tried and failed (I hope not, personally), or he may have even unlocked a couple of very very powerful secrets of the force that change everything. Honestly, when I heard the words "there has been an awakening, have you felt it?", my first thought was that Luke has done or found something special. The second teaser backed this up for me.

    TL;DR I think we will get a couple of small hints next week in the trailer, and in Shattered Empire 4, but we're going to find out for real in two months now. What an exciting time to be a fan.
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  7. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I'm just curious, but why would LFL make Mark Hamill get in shape for TFA if he's a.) covered up, and b.) only seen in one scene?
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  8. SpaceFlake

    SpaceFlake Rebelscum

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Perfect. We're on the same page. I however don't think the saga is just about Luke though, but about the entire Skywalker lineage. Both GL and Kathleen Kennedy have said that the sequel trilogy is about "passing the torch to the new generation" which is quite amazing considering how that philosophy also bleeds into a film making perspective by passing the torch to a new generation of storytellers. This is why i think Kylo and Rey are both Solo children, because that would also make them Skywalkers as well.

    Thanks, pal. I needed to get this sh*t out there lol

    Yeah there's no way for me to know for sure when Luke will show up in TFA and I'm not just basing my speculation on what Jason Ward has said but more on what I feel would be the most powerful reveal for Luke. There are a few reasons why I think it will be the very last scene: finally seeing Luke will create wonder and intrigue about the second film and will make people excited to see it for the mere fact that TFA is mostly devoid of him especially if the movie ends right when you finally see him. It would add a lot of weight to the reveal, and would make Luke once again feel like "a new hope." I know people really want to see Luke kick some ass in this film (including me), but I really don't think that's going to happen until the final two movies. It would be an awesome cliffhanger, which Hollywood loves, but not the kind of cliffhanger most people hate (including myself). It wouldn't really raise too many questions or add another mystery right at the end, the mystery is solved, the hero has been found, and now it's about the future.

    In response to your point about seeing Luke interact with Han once again, I think Luke and the audience feeling robbed over not seeing that reunion would add a lot of weight to Han's death. They were best friends yet they never reunite. That luxury was destroyed by Kylo, which would make the audience hate him even more. That is quite heartbreaking actually, and I think it could work really well for the story. I also think that Rey is the answer to that heartbreak. Because Luke would be so heartbroken over Han's death, he would feel compelled to take Han's daughter under his wing and ensure that she finds solace in what's left of her broken family, something that Han (it sounds like) wasn't able to offer Rey. I really think the filmmakers want to avoid *that* scene, a somewhat awkward reunion between Luke and Han that you couldn't pay me enough money to try to write. It would be almost impossible to get right because it would either feel too sappy or too much like the way they treated each other in the OT which wouldn't feel right for this time period. No, having the reunion that never happened take place only in your mind I think is a way better choice.
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  9. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Well if he is in shape he can move good not just rock the washboard abs.

    Also they might want to cut down on puffy face.
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  10. SpaceFlake

    SpaceFlake Rebelscum

    Oct 31, 2014
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    For a few reasons: if you're stuck on an island for a long time you'd look pretty thin. Also, he's getting in shape for three new movies not just TFA. Filming for Episode 8 begins in less than six months, and I think Hamill is going to look pretty ripped by then.
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  11. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I am torn. I like the search for Luke but that does not need to be the very last moment of the film. But more than that If Luke does not get screen time before any other of the Big three bites it. That would be tragic.
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  12. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    If I had to bet on anything, I'd probably hedge my bet on Luke appearing right before the final battle, similar to ROTJ, but doesn't actually fight in it as Poe takes his old mantle. It's similar to how Obi-Wan was initially supposed to physically be at The Rebel Base during the final battle in ANH.
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  13. SpaceFlake

    SpaceFlake Rebelscum

    Oct 31, 2014
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    You nailed it brutha
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 17, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 17, 2015 ---

    That is very interesting. One thing I forgot to consider is that in both teasers we see groups of x-wings flying over terrain that looks very similar to the terrain around Skellig Michael. Hey you know I could be wrong about it being the last scene, but then again maybe both the Resistance and The First Order find the location of Luke at the same time and are racing to be the first ones to find him. The First Order want to destroy him and the Resistance are trying to save him from that.
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  14. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    In regards to Luke being blind, it's not unheard of in Star Wars, since "The Force Unleashed" had A blind Jedi Master, from what I remember. Then Again, I am not too sure if that game is still cannon or not.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 17, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 17, 2015 ---
    If that's could be the ending, it's like saying, Poe flies over Skellig and then it cuts to the end credits.

    In regards to The FO and The Resistsnce racing to find Luke Skywalker, that reminds me "Capture the Flag" games.

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  15. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I do think that Luke will have a meet cute scene like Yoda. Remember Yoda tested Luke by acting half crazy and goofy when they first met. Testing Luke's patience.
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  16. SpaceFlake

    SpaceFlake Rebelscum

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Finally seeing Luke after witnessing Han's death would feel like a warm hug after going through something thoroughly traumatic. Yes, there really is a new hope. End credits.

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  17. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I just don't see that being in Luke Skywalker's character. I think that it would make his character feel less heroic. I think that Luke could test the characters that meet him in TFA in a more intellectual manner.
  18. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Luke has described Obi-Wan as a crazy old wizard for 30+ years. He hams it up as the Joker, the Trickster I think he will be playing a full on wizard type far more than an action hero.
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  19. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    But Obi-Wan never acted outright Loony in front of Luke Skywalker...maybe when he was home alone and had a little too much heat.
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  20. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I am just saying I expect more Merlin than aging knight.
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