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Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Legend Knight, Sep 6, 2014.


Who is Rey?

  1. Daughter of Han and Leia, sister of Kylo Ren

    151 vote(s)
  2. Daughter of Han and Leia

    42 vote(s)
  3. Daughter of Han

    6 vote(s)
  4. A character with no ties

    89 vote(s)
  5. Daughter of Luke

    289 vote(s)
  6. Daughter of Leia

    4 vote(s)
  7. Gasp...A Kenobi

    33 vote(s)
  1. Master Padawan

    Master Padawan Rebel Trooper

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Hello, first time posting.

    IIRC, Rian Johnson was writing the script for Episode VIII and a treatment for episode IX.
    The actual script, it seems, is being done by Trevorrow and his collaborator, Derek Connolly.

    I also remember reading somewhere that the final act of Episode IX was not set in stone yet, so that's probably what Trevorrow and Co. are working on right now.
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  2. Takiedevushkikakzvezdy

    Takiedevushkikakzvezdy Clone Trooper

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Except that Trevorrow said the same about Jurassic World and that turned out to be a complete dud.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. p03

    p03 Human/Cyborg Relations

    Dec 30, 2014
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    J.J. Abrams knows the answer to the secret of Rey's parentage.

    The Star Wars director, appearing at TCA to promote his and Cameron Crowe's TV show Roadies, talked about the mysterious heroine, saying, "I know quite a bit."

    He continued: "Obviously it’s not for me to talk about in this moment because this is Rian’s story to continue now. The last thing I’m going to do is reveal something that he would be upset about. I want to make sure that Rian gets the courtesy that he showed me."

    'Rian' being Rian Johnson, who will direct Episode VIII, which will pick up where The Force Awakens left off.

    Played by newcomer Daisy Ridley, Rey emerged from The Force Awakens as the main object of fan speculation, due to her inherent mastery of The Force.

    Abrams also talked about the relief he feels no longer having the responsibility of keeping the plot of The Force Awakens a secret, saying, "I’m just incredibly relieved that the movie is out, that it was well received."

    Star Wars has grossed $1.75 billion globally, but Abrams says he doesn't care too much about the box office receipts.

    "I’m more excited when I hear that people went to go see the movie with their parents, who took them to the original movie when they were kids, or they took their own kids who maybe had never seen a Star Wars movie, who fell in love with Rey or found Finn to be someone that they want to be for Halloween."
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  4. Disneylandfan4life

    Disneylandfan4life Rebel General

    Nov 14, 2015
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  5. Kekstarter

    Kekstarter Rebel General

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Then, Jason Todd that is.
  6. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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  7. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah and she also revealed that the fact that she is a 'solitary' figure which somewhat reveals her parentage (this can only be Luke) .
    • Hopeful Hopeful x 1
    • Clouded Clouded x 1
  8. techsteveo

    techsteveo Force Sensitive

    Oct 16, 2014
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    Luke was never a solitary individual. He grew up with friends and an Aunt and Uncle. When was he solitary? Yoda and Obi-Wan were more solitary than Luke. I always took that quote is a play on the word Solo.

    The way they wrote her character in the movie, it's open to anyone. Unknown parents, Solo, Skywalker, even Kenobi.
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  9. reneoliveira

    reneoliveira Rebelscum

    Jan 5, 2016
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    She was left with Unkar Plutt. From what we've seen, he doesn't seems to be a nice guy/family. Or maybe he was a nice guy before Kylo kill his wife... And we start to speculate again...

    If she is a Skywalker, we need to know who is her mother and the reasons/circumstances she was left in Jakku.

    If she is a Solo, beyond the reasons she was left, they need to explain the way Han and Leia treated her and didn't told she was their daughter in TFA.

    If she's someone else daughter, they just need to invent something reasonable.
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    • Wise Wise x 1
  10. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You don't think Luke is solitary in The Force Awakens?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. littlepadawan91

    littlepadawan91 Rebelscum

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Hi, all. New member here. I decided to join in order to share a theory I came up with about Rey. I'm in no way entirely happy with it (for one, something still tells me that Kylo dropped her off at Jakku) and I'm sure there are flaws, but overall I'm pleased with the explanations I found for certain plot holes.

    What first planted the seed of this theory in my mind was the amazing Lydia (@organasrey) and the first half of her analysis “The Light Saber in the Snow”, which can be read here: . What she said about Maz Kanata and why she had Luke’s saber made so much sense that it left me wondering why no one seemed to be talking about it.

    Before I get into it, I’m first going to address what I think are the main reasons why everyone seems so convinced that Rey is Luke’s daughter and won’t hear another word about it. It basically comes down to 1) assuming that Han and Leia did not recognize Rey, simply because they didn’t tell her that or to each other and 2) jumping to conclusions about the Rey and Luke parallels.

    I have yet to be directed to a single evidence of Luke being Rey’s father that can’t be explained by the simple fact that she is the Luke of this generation. All the parallels are just that: parallels. Of course she’s force sensitive, of course she was left at a sandy planet and scavenges for a living! She and Luke play equivalent roles in their respective trilogies. He is the last living Jedi, the only person who can train her. Of course they are being drawn to each other.
    There’s a very strong argument, in my opinion, against Luke being Rey’s father, which is being completely overlooked. Lydia also mentions it. It relates to something that Maz Kanata told Rey right after she touched the light saber and had those visions. I quote it, verbatim:

    Maz: “Dear child, I see your eyes - you already know the truth. Whomever you’re waiting for on Jakku, they’re never coming back. But there’s someone who still could”.Rey: “Luke”
    Maz: “The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes, feel it. The light. It’s always been there. It will guide you. The sabre - take it”.

    Luke and what Rey is waiting for on Jakku are treated as separate entities. Some people claim that this conversation just rules out that Luke left her at Jakku, not that he’s her dad. But I don’t see it that way. She mentions throughout the entire movie that she’s waiting for her “family”, as a general entity, not a specific relative or a specific person who left her. Can you imagine if a relative who didn’t drop her off comes to pick her up and she’s just like “Sorry, man, you’re not who I’m waiting for”? Makes no sense.

    As for Han and Leia, there are plenty of explanations as to why they didn’t bring up the subject to her or in a private conversation: because it’s not safe yet, because it’s too painful, because they think she’s dead, because the Kylo situation is way more urgent, etc.

    There are little clues throughout the entire script:




    Not pictured above: Han’s sad/guilty face when Rey says that she never thought there was so much green in the galaxy.


    Moving on.

    So this is basically my interpretation of what Lydia explained about Maz’s role in the film: Luke left his saber with Maz and told her that the person who’s supposed to take it, the person who the saber is gonna call for, is currently hidden in Jakku. And she’s gonna be drawn to the saber when the right time comes. Why? Because a certain Jedi apprentice, who he happened to teach, had turned to the dark side of the Force and the person who’s supposed to find the light saber is the only one who can stop him and reestablish the balance.

    Which is why the events unfold as follows: Maz asks Han who “the girl” is, then it immediately cuts to Rey going towards the saber, she gets her visions and right afterwards Maz is already by her side. To me, that means she went straight to where the light saber was after talking to Han, who probably told her that Rey lived in Jakku and was dead set on returning to wait for her family. So Maz put two and two together and figured out she was the person Luke told her about.

    This is where I start to add and develop some of my own ideas.
    What was the train of thought behind Luke’s attitude? Why did he think Rey was the only who could stop Kylo? He went through the same situation himself. His dad ultimately betrayed the dark side because of his love for him, Luke, his son. Luke knows the power of the dark side. He knows it takes a very strong bond for one to go back to the light. Few relationships are stronger than those of siblings.

    In the novel, Snoke says that the reason why Kylo couldn’t overpower Rey wasn’t because she’s much stronger, but because his compassion for her is his weakness. How can Kylo prove to Snoke that he does not have that weakness? By showing no compassion to someone who shares with him a bond just as strong or even stronger than that of siblings: his father, Han Solo.

    As the last Jedi, the only person capable of training Rey, Luke had to protect himself from the First Order. If anything happened to him, then no one else would be able to prepare Rey and therefore Kylo would never return to the light. It’s been assumed that he goes into hiding out of shame and guilt, because he wasn’t able to stop Kylo. But perhaps we should consider he went into hiding for self-protection, as a way to ultimately restore balance to the Force.

    That also explains why R2D2 lit up when Rey arrived. Luke probably gave him similar instructions to what he told Maz: this girl needs to meet me, she needs to find the map to my hiding location. The script says that Luke doesn’t need to ask who Rey is when she finds him. Because if she found him, then she’s got to be the girl he’s been waiting for! Afterall, he specifically told R2 to deliver the map to her and to her only.

    I might be missing something, but were we ever told how Leia knew that part of the map was with Max Sydow’s character? She sent Poe to get it from him, right? How did she know he had it? My guess is that she and Luke planned all of this together. Leia states in the novel that she knew Snoke was creeping on Ben from an early age. As painful and drastic as the decision to leave her daughter in a remote planet probably was, she understood from her own previous experience that it was the right thing to do.

    Speaking of things and people being sent to the right place at the right time, were we ever given a reason why BB8 just happened to come across Rey? Maybe it was just a coincidence. But was it really? Or was he given instructions to find a specific girl?

    So many people have been wondering why Leia sent Rey to find Luke instead of going herself. It’s been used as one of the hints that Rey is Luke’s daughter. No. Leia sent Rey because that was the only way Luke could be sure the right person found him. It is my understanding that Luke didn’t reveal his whereabouts not even to Leia herself. He simply could not risk being found by the First Order.

    So what was Han’s role in all of this? It was made pretty clear that he didn’t agree with sending Ben to Luke. If I’m not mistaken, Leia said that the moment she sent him off to train with his uncle was the moment she lost both Han and their son. That sounds like they’ve been separated ever since Ben was 10 years old, which was when he left for Luke’s jedi training. Coincidentally, that was when Rey was either being born or conceived. For that reason, I won’t completely rule out the hypothesis that Han never knew Leia was pregnant again and therefore was completely clueless to the whole scheme.

    I, however, don’t buy this train of thought. There’s an elephant in the room that no one seems to be addressing. A familiar spaceship was conveniently around, as if waiting for Rey to need it. The official explanation as to why the Millenium Falcon was in Jakku is that Unkar Plutt stole it from someone, who stole from someone, who stole from Han and Chewie. Yeah, I call it bull****. First, there’s no way Han Solo would sit back and watch his baby be taken away multiple times without a good fight. Secondly, Rey admits in the novel that she doesn’t know if this story is true or just a local myth. Most importantly, she notices that Han’s remark “he stole it from me!” sounded forced, as if he could be lying. Thirdly, if the Millenium Falcon is this prized possession that people steal left and right as if it’s coins in a pocket, how come it stayed in Jakku, unbothered and unharmed, for heaven knows how long? Nothing about this explanation adds up.

    I think Han was definitely part of Leia and Luke’s arrangements. Assuming at least part of the story he told is true and that he could indeed remotely locate the Falcon, he must have left it at Jakku, where he could monitor his daughter every now and then (through a camera maybe?). But mainly he provided a way for her to escape when the time came, a way that conveniently would let him know she was out of Jakku (again, assuming what he said about locating the Falcon was true). Perhaps he knew only she could take flight in it, something to do with being a Solo? Maybe that’s exactly why it stayed there and no one tried to steal it or succeeded to do so? She did seem to pilot mostly on instinct, since she had never been in the Falcon before. Plus, she and Han were completely in sync when it came to making it work.

    Halfway through the movie, this is where the Solo-Organa family stood: Han and Leia had been separated for years and Ben was an evil little ****. By the time the credits rolled, the situation was even worse. That family was essentially destroyed by the dark side. If it turns out they were indeed Rey’s family, Maz was damn right to say that what Rey’s been waiting for in Jakku all these years is not coming back.
    • Great Post Great Post x 4
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  12. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Welcome to the cantina, great post.;)
  13. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    To be fair the same can be said of the Solo theories which have to explain why Leia and Han have lost their young daughter on Jakku. The fact that she was left there before Ben betrayed Luke kind of hurts the whole "they were afraid she would turn out the same."

    What if Kylo lost his sister? Maybe they were traveling somewhere together. Maybe Rey was kidnapped by someone who really wanted a daughter. They didn't know who Rey was... Han and Leia blamed the kidnapping on the already troubled Ben. He then descended even further into darkness and eventually betrayed Luke.

    Another theory is that the Knights of Ren kidnapped Rey. It could be why Kylo killed the clan leader. Ben's attempt to rescue his sister could have started his journey the dark side.
  14. littlepadawan91

    littlepadawan91 Rebelscum

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Could you direct me to the source of this information? I've seen it repeated elsewhere, but I haven't been able to track down where it came from
  15. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Just go back a few pages. It's been posted a few times. Pablo Hidalgo has said the Ben/Luke betrayal occurred more recently than 14-15 years ago. That would make Rey too old.
  16. PrincessLeiaCB3

    PrincessLeiaCB3 The Princess that was Promised
    1030th Commander *** (Mod)

    Dec 3, 2015
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    The basis for comparison between Rey and Luke is based on their start in both trilogies: and yes, he was not solitary by the time we met him in ANH.

    I think she was making fun of the "Solo" connection. But in that case Han would be more a solitary (before of Chewie's life debt) but it is just mere speculation again.
  17. Rey24B

    Rey24B Rebel General

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Her being left there before the Academy massacre doesn't actually prove anything either way. The FO/KOR could have been picking off Jedi/FS people here and there for awhile. And then once Snoke managed to turn Ben, he decided that the time had come to wipe all of them out in one-fell swoop.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 13, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 13, 2016 ---
    Colin said in another interview that he was working closely with Rian. So perhaps the next two films will be even more interconnected than we think?

    Maybe it will be like the ESB/ROTJ thing. You get the "big reveal" in movie #2, but it's left to movie #3 to give context/fill in the details/close out that plotline.
  18. odmichael

    odmichael Rebel Official

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Rey was five when she was left on Jakku. The attack happened more recently than 15 years ago.

    EDIT: You can tell in the movie because Kylo is fully-grown when the attack happens.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  19. Rey24B

    Rey24B Rebel General

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Actually it's also been hinted that what Rey saw in her vision wasn't the Academy massacre. It was a massacre involving the KOR, but that's all that we know. Heck it might not even be a vision of the past, but of the future.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    In Before The Awakening, Leia sends Poe on a mission to steal a corrupt Senator's star ship. Which he does, and brings back to the Resistance. Poe poses as a member of the Irving Boys to the Senator and his associates on board the ship as a cover story.

    Sequel Trilogy timeline WIP
    • Informative Informative x 1

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