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SPECULATION Rey Kenobi...how does it work?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by master_shaitan, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. TheGreyandTheRed

    TheGreyandTheRed Rebel General

    Oct 26, 2017
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    I've always liked the idea of rey being a Kenobi, he was always one of my favourite characters, especially after the final act of ROTS. I'd hate for the ST to have no Kenobi representation.

    If I could be well explained I'd love to see it. I mean its fairly possible as there are no real barriers created by TFA. The only problem is the amount of exposition required, if this could be tied in with the Kenobi stand alone film as suggested; I'd be all for it.

    Another issue actually could be daisy ridley's claim that Rey's parentage was obvious. Kenobi definitely isn't obvious lol. It could have been obvious if rey had greeted kylo with a hearty 'Hello there!' Lol bit sadly that didn't happen :mad:
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  2. Hannibal41

    Hannibal41 Clone Commander

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Daisys actual quote was -

    "I thought a lot was answered in ‘The Force Awakens’. Then after the screening I went for a drink with my agent and everyone, and we were chatting away and I realized that oh, in their minds it’s not answered at all!"

    She does not actually say it is obvious. As a huge Rey Kenobi fan, i always took it to assume that a lot was answered in regards to who she is not (Solo/Skywalker).


    Funny how you are slowly becoming more open to this theory and i'm moving away from it. I still love the idea of Rey Kenobi and it would definitely be my favourite theory, but Rey random is the most realistic in my opinion.

    I don't think that Satine is the grandmother. I think the grandmother will be revealed in the stand alone.

    The standalone in my eyes would deal with -

    1: Obi wan struggling to become Old Ben
    2: Learning to communicate with Qui gonn Jinn (Liam Neeson cameo)
    3: meeting and falling in love with Reys grandmother.
    4: Realising that he cannot have his own family and protect Luke so sends Reys grandmother away (maybe unaware of her pregnancy, or maybe fully aware and knowing that he will never see his child (that would definitely age someone))

    As to who Reys grandmother could be, their presence on Tattooine could mean two things 1:slave or poor citizen of Mos Eisley 2:Criminal/Bounty hunter/ scoundrel. I like the idea of perhaps a bounty hunter turned good. I always imagined bounty hunters as not the most moral of people, so even if Reys grandmother has turned good, she would still have had those lower morals. This could help explain why Rey was left on Jakku, not that her parents were bad, but that they had no other choice and were able to abandon their child with Unkar Plutt, to perhaps protect her.

    That was all off the top of my head, but i do like the idea of her having a bounty hunter grandmother. The story group would be able to make a much better story.
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  3. Flyboy

    Flyboy Jedi Commander

    Oct 30, 2017
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    This has always been the most "out there" theory in my opinion, even more so than her being a Palpatine... but I don't hate it, nor do I think it's something to just immediately write off. Truth be told, I think if it wasn't for the accent, this theory would have a lot less steam than it does.

    I'm not gonna get into the how or the why or the who, I'll let RJ/the story group handle all that if, by miracle she actually ends up being a Kenobi... but I do wanna focus on hints maybe dropped in The Force Awakens.

    Firstly, I do agree a great deal with the post above mine, Daisy Ridley was, in my opinion talking about how she thought the film made it obvious who her parents WEREN'T. However...

    • You have the parallels with the mind trick on a Stormtrooper
    • A more interesting one is Kylo's birth name being Ben Solo. With the talk, which is basically confirmation now that there's some type of connection between Kylo and Rey, it could be as simple as Kylo being named after Rey's grandfather.
    • Then there's Obi-Wan's voice in the force back scene, snippets taken from both Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor where it was spliced together to actually have Obi-Wan speak the name, "Rey".

    There's more, like similar costume design between Rey and Obi-Wan circa prequels. Similarities in the way Obi-Wan explored the Death Star and Rey explored Starkiller Base. As well as a comment made from JJ about how "loneliness" is a key to her origin. These are more farfetched parts of the theory, things that COULD matter but are probably nothing more than harmless coincidences, at least in my opinion.

    The "big 3" I have mentioned above though, while not in your face obvious (except for maybe the mind trick one) they could very well be that obvious to someone who knows who her parentage is. Maybe Daisy really does think the film made it obvious, but she's able to look at it in a way that none of us are able to... by knowing the answer.

    I think I've almost convinced myself while writing this, but I'm gonna stay cautious. We'll have the answer soon enough.
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  4. Hannibal41

    Hannibal41 Clone Commander

    Apr 10, 2017
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    With regards to the quote, I make the assumption that Daisy is a very casual fan of Star Wars, she may not have even watched the films before she was cast for the role of Rey. In TFA we are shown that she thought Luke was a myth and was awed when she realised she met Han. I think Daisy saw this and thought, Rey has no personal connection too Luke or Han.
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  5. Flyboy

    Flyboy Jedi Commander

    Oct 30, 2017
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    I'm sure you're right in the sense that compared to us, she's a casual fan. I give her more credit than that though. She must've known the speculation that would fly around who her parents were, and that thinking Luke was a myth or being starstruck by Han would do little to extinguish it. Even if she herself didn't know it, I'm sure she was told by either JJ, Kathleen, or someone else involved in the production.

    There's also the question of when exactly she found out. She told Yahoo Japan she's known for a few years now, which technically pre-dates the TFA release, meaning that night when they all went out for drinks, she already knew. But who really knows how much that holds up. There are the things that happened in my life last year that felt that they happened 3 years ago, and vice versa.
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  6. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Isn't this theory dead yet?
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  7. JarJar

    JarJar Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
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  8. Trev

    Trev Rebel Official

    Jul 7, 2017
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    I really don't like this theory. It doesn't make sense to me.

    Obi-Wan explicitly told Satine in The Clone Wars that he would've left the Order to be with her. Rather than having a secret relationship with her and breaking the Jedi Code, he would've left the Order for her. But he doesn't. He sees firsthand what that does in Revenge of the Sith with Anakin's turn to the Dark Side.

    Obi-Wan is a traditionalist, and he and Yoda both appear to continue following the Jedi Code in the Original Trilogy. (I thought someone in another thread said that Obi-Wan tells Luke not to form attachments, but I don't remember him ever saying this.) It would be more likely that Luke changed this rule than Obi-Wan explicitly disobeying it.

    Aside from Obi-Wan's voice being heard in Rey's Force vision and her accent, there's nothing to indicate that she's a Kenobi. I really think it requires way too much explanation. It makes so much more sense that she's a Skywalker. I love Obi-Wan and think he's a great character, but I don't see how he could've had a child (and eventual grandchild).
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  9. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    That doesn't mean Kenobi couldn't have done the deed with her at some point but then decided not to pursue the relationship. Satine may have fallen pregnant and then, because she knows Obi Wan was a Jedi at heart, kept it from him and gave their child away. In fact, considering how things go down between them, it makes perfect sense. Satine would know that Kenobi would feel obliged to leave the order if he had a child.
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  10. JarJar

    JarJar Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I went from Rey Skywalker to Rey Kenobi to Rey Random..and now back to Rey Kenobi.I‘ll stay with it now.Rey is Obi-Wans granddaughter.Nine episodes with Skywalkers/Kenobis.Its symmetry..Did Obi Wan had a brother or sister ?..
  11. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Well, Hello there! :D

    Blatant self-promotion as a staunch and convinced Rey Kenobi advocate.
    (The thread I started some time ago...)

    My most recent "evidence":
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  12. Trev

    Trev Rebel Official

    Jul 7, 2017
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    But at what point would this have happened? She dies in The Clone Wars and there's not a prominent enough time gap where it would've been possible for her to secretly have a child beforehand. When she first comes into the series, it's implied that she and Obi-Wan haven't seen each other in a long time.

    I really just don't see how they'd be able to explain her being a Kenobi.
  13. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    What about the time where they actually agree not to pursue their relationship? I'm no expert on the cartoons, but I thought there was a point where they could've got funky, she could've got pregnant and then after realising Kenobi must remain a Jedi, decided to have the child and give it away?
  14. Trev

    Trev Rebel Official

    Jul 7, 2017
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    I suppose it's possible. He would've been about 24 at the time that he first met Satine and protected her, although with Qui-Gon around, I'm not sure how he would've pulled it off without his master becoming suspicious. Although I suppose you could also argue that this is why Obi-Wan never betrayed Anakin and Padmé by disclosing their relationship to the Jedi Council—if he had been in a similar situation, he would be more inclined to sympathize with them.

    Still, at that point, it would've been the only time he may have had a child, and I can't see Obi-Wan living with a secret like that as a Jedi. It's possible, but highly unlikely. In my opinion, it would require far more explanation than Luke being her father would. It's too difficult for them to base Rey's parentage—arguably one of the most significant aspects of this trilogy—off a character that many Star Wars fans don't even know exist, and it would isolate too many audience members for it to be a legitimate option.
  15. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    According to Lucas, Jedi were not celibate - they just weren't allow to marry (have relationships).
    In my view of how the story could play out, Kenobi wouldn't learn of his secret child until he begins his exile on Tatooine.
    I think, after realising that Kenobi's heart is in being a Jedi, a pregnant Satine would decide not to tell Obi Wan she was pregnant and then give up the baby.
    Later on, Kenobi could discover the secret and this could be the central story of his standalone.

    I once suggested that Kenobi's child could be discovered by the Empire (I wonder if the "darksaber easter egg" in Rogue One has anything to do with it) and then he finds out about them. He looks to hide his family away (perhaps on Ahch-To) and the action of the film centres around him hiding his family away and deleting the location of Ahch-To from the Archives of the Empire (something he would've learned from the Kamino mission). We could then learn that he left details about his family for Luke to track down later on - hence why Luke is looking for Ahch-To. Kenobi's family however are forced to leave Ahch-To and get stranded on Jakku. They have to abandon their daughter as they are being pursued by the enemy (KoR?). When Luke finally finds Ahch-To, the Kenobi's are long gone, but then years later, Rey arrives...
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
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  16. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Immediately after Anakin's betrayal he goes on a bender. Meets up with a pretty bar maid. One too many blue milks leads to so many other things and next thing you know...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Julius Fett

    Julius Fett Force Sensitive

    Jun 12, 2016
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    So strange seeing @master_shaitan seemingly committed to the idea of Rey Kenobi! Might I ask what argument/idea turned you around on the idea?

    Personally, I agree with @Trev : I think Rey Kenobi would require much more explanation to a casual audience than almost anything else, perhaps especially something like Rey Skywalker, since everything that we think that we know about the film seems to imply that there will be flashbacks in the film to the destruction of Luke’s Jedi Order/Ben’s fall.

    Whilst I personally am all for exposition in a SW film, having one set of flashbacks tie into Ben’s fall and the destruction of the new Jedi as well as another set of flashbacks to tie into an explanation for Rey’s parentage (especially one as detailed in backstory as shaitan’s idea) could be a bit too much, when one considers that we haven’t had a real flashback yet in the SW films (the Forceback is too much of a mess to decipher and distinguish as a flashback, in my opinion), so regardless of Rey’s parentage, I personally think that it’s much more feasible that her backstory ties into that of Luke’s and/or Ben’s when one considers the narrative flow that this could take (i.e. Luke awakens another Forceback in Rey, which is still scrambled, but later in the film, Kylo helps Rey to understand it by either revealing his knowledge of the situation to her, via a shared Force vision or flashback).
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  18. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    I'm still more on team "Rey unrelated Dark Side origin", but I have to say that there are many compelling points and it is kind of poetic.
    I also think that it could explain the strange connection between Rey and Ren (and their incredible power) - if indeed their respective grandparents empowered them somehow with their own "cosmic energy" - "I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine", perhaps is a line that will hold new relevance?

    As for the exposition - yes, that is a problem. But having said that, if she is revealed as a Kenobi in TLJ and a short explanation is given, would it perhaps be acceptable to go into greater detail in his standalone film?

    I'm not all in on this by any means, but I do see that there is a good chance for it.
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  19. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    A quick visit from an Obi-Wan force ghost wouldn't be any more complicated or too exposition-y than any of the time spent on midichlorians or being mad at Obi-Wan for not telling Luke about Leia etc.
    • Wise Wise x 1
  20. TheGreyandTheRed

    TheGreyandTheRed Rebel General

    Oct 26, 2017
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    He more I think on this theory the more possible I think it could be. Yes it would require some explanation but no more than if she was Luke's daughter or came from a totally separate family. Ultimately they would all require quite a bit of exposition to be pulled off convincingly. So in this circumstance I don't think it should be dismissed on those grounds.

    Plus I really think characters like Obi-Wan and Yoda deserve to have some role to play even if just as a force ghost (I really hate that phrase, can we petition to change it to force presence or something lol). Having OB1 as Rey's father would be a perfect way to make him relevant.
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