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What's Kylo Ren Looking for in the Falcon?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by FN-3263827, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Thanks for sharing these images, @Obi-Wan Solo. I can't believe the power that Falcon scene has to move me.
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  2. RockyRoadHux

    RockyRoadHux Ginger General

    Dec 27, 2015
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    +1 yeah Thanks for sharing!!!

    The scene makes Kylo's emotional turmoil more than obvious :( Sadly some people DO need things spelled out for them down to every last detail. Because of that it is a shame this scene was cut from the film. With the scene there would be no debate about whether or not Kylo was stricken with ultimate regret, denial and grief.
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  3. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    The emotion of this scene is crushing. Anguish, turmoil, despair, being torn apart...This would have added so much depth and meaning to the torn apart scene with Han on the walk, which many people really didn't understand. (Hell, there are even some who think Kylo was baiting, playing with and lying to Han...)

    Even without hearing the sound and actually not having seen the scene as a whole, we can absolutely see and feel the emotions...
    Whoever made the decision to cut this brilliant scene out of the movie, made a very wrong and bad decision. I simply cannot get over it...What a huge mistake!
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  4. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    yeah, this has literally put my day into a spin.
    i've spent the last hour writing emails to people to make sure they know that i love them ~ hahaha

    i want my sister to see this; she's really struggling with Han's death.
    it took me a while to convince her that Kylo Ren wasn't just crying crocodile tears on the bridge.
    i think this scene, had it been in the movie, mighta made a difference for people like her.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 25, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 25, 2016 ---
    i just don't even know what to think anymore about why they would have cut this. before seeing it all i figured it was just a pacing thing, we didn't need it, etc. but i think it would have had an emotional impact (and certainly would have made the bridge maybe less surprising, but perhaps even more devastating). i know i was crying for him on the bridge (and not Han), but i get that most people had the opposite reaction.
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  5. RockyRoadHux

    RockyRoadHux Ginger General

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I'm glad you shared this. I already thought I was being weird.

    Maybe they cut the scene to give Kylo a bigger chance to establish himself as mysterious and threatening villain in TFA. He would fail as villain if they showed him too human too soon.
    If he should succeed as a convincing villain character he has to be threatening in the first place. They are already fans complaining that Kylo wasn’t badass enough.

    I guess the fleshing out of the Kylo Ren's character was a really tricky thing for JJ. We never got to see a development from dark and scary to soft and vulnerable- Kylo's is being pulled by the light side more than once or twice in the movie, with him it is more like two steps forward and one step back... Now after writing this post I think he is more a anti hero than a villain, isn't he?
    #105 RockyRoadHux, Mar 25, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
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  6. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    oh heck no ~ i ain't ashamed to admit it. he broke my heart on that bridge. the way all that pain poured out of him and how clear it is that he's on that edge all the time, trying to hold it together. he's so lost, so afraid.

    i think they might have cut this stuff to try to avoid the anti-hero tag. i mean, he's awful. objectively, he does terrible things through-and-through and the fact that he's not remorseless makes him even worse in certain ways because he knows there's something wrong with what he's doing.
    Snoke browbeats him about his compassion being his weakness, but his lack of will is his real weakness.

    i think that's why a character like Finn is so important in this story.
    Finn's a victim of long-term brainwashing too, but he breaks the hold on him in a huge way.
    Ren just founders in his confusion.

    Finn didn't need help getting out. Ren does. most people stuck in this kind of nightmare do.
    hopefully it was done to help make his turn later more stark.
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  7. Winterstar

    Winterstar Clone Commander

    Mar 5, 2016
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    yeah I think JJ and his crew got a little too edit cut happy ----although there is was a big rift between the two of them and he did a terrible thing to his father it is the feeling of guilt and lost love between father and son the will drive him to change it will take a significant emotional event for him to change ..... I wonder if there is something on the falcon that he was looking for besides his father.....
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2016 ---
    I think you have a point they did not want you to see too much of Ren and his caring and mostly they wanted you to see his darkness and only some of this conflict ....Although by showing the scene might have given us a little more emotional investment of father and son for the final scene between the two ... which was missed. -- the idea is that there is a parallel of both him and Rey -- he has plenty of will all miss directed. But the parallel is he is also isolated and the boy of Ben is getting even more isolated. Rey was isolated and she needed help to get off the Planet. He will need help to get to the light side.... it will take a serious of emotional events and being trusted for something he did do right in his past a long long time ago.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2016 ---
    i think he has known where he has been and who he has become --I think the bigger question is if in 8 they are having a memorial for Han will the son show ? and will the son face his mother ? You saw the quilt wash over him he saw the light and not the dark
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  8. Boushhdisguise

    Boushhdisguise Jedi General

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I think they were deciding to hide things on purpose. This is probably one of those scenes that may have given too much. I think they wanted him to look vicious. Though things like cut scenes, novelizations and such were out there, not everyone would have access or bother with them. The editing of stuff really bothered me, like the scene where Leia sent the envoy. Many people were confused about the political situation.
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  9. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    i agree! and i think the trust goes both ways. he feels betrayed by his family and has paid them back in kind.
    now both sides have a lot of work to do to rebuild.
    and even if Luke and Leia are still willing at this point, he's not, so they gotta win him over first.
    ball's in their court for the moment.

    with Rey already gone to Ahch-To, i think we're not going to get a memorial for Han (sad!) ~ though the characters will likely talk about him.
    regardless, i'm hoping for a mother-son reunion one way or another, hopefully before the end of viii.

    i don't think the run-time on this was too much at all ~ a few minutes to include this Falcon scene and the Kor Sella stuff shouldn't have hurt the pacing ~ and would have answered some questions that people had.

    and the fact that they filmed the Millennium Falcon scene in its entirety and will include it on the release at least acknowledges that they felt it has value even if they cut it from the final film. could be their own regret for extricating it. interestingly, it appears to be potentially far more emotional than the novel's description makes it out to be.

    the scene isn't in the "official" script at all, by the way.
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  10. Winterstar

    Winterstar Clone Commander

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Again you are right. they are hiding a lot . Did you read the book there is a scene in there that was substituted for the ship leaving that is the scene I think Ben is 15 and rey is 5 and he is hiding her in the forest. . But one of the most important things to remember is Snoke had convinced him that he could go completely to the Dark side if he did kill his father.... When he did he saw the light and not the dark. H e had 20 years to find his father and could have probably reached out to him at any time. but he didn't he was not looking hard to face him (a lot of conflict in that ) that after thought will be a wake up call for him .... There will be two heroes in this story not one. After all this is the son that came from the biggest and most favored love story in this galaxy . To quote rey in one of the simpler books of tfa The idea that the child of two such extraordinary people could fall to the dark side was frightening. He never had a chance since I think Snoke was in his head at about the age of 6 on forward. Also I think that they realized that might have made his look too evil (Killing Han was a great gamble for the script ) and JJ has made comments he is suffering from a type of ptsd (did i do that right lol ) that is why he has temper tantrums. Its like they are trying to soften him a little after the fact.. beside you dont hire Adam Driver to do all bad and he was hand pick b y a woman Kathleen Kennedy that should give you a hint right there... if you know what kind of stories us women like lol
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2016 ---
    Oh no! those scenes shot in Croatia are the scenes of Hans Memorial. we are going to get that !!! I am wondering if its Lukes idea if you want to weaken snoke the first thing you do is get the family away from him. Remember the whole purpose of TFA was to bring Luke back not send Rey for Training although we expect that to happen too. Han is going to be celebrated on his home planet that is why all those people are dressed in black. And I think the rounded building is where they show tribute to Hans memory . it is after that I suspect Lieas ship falls under attack and she is in a coma ...... that is from rumors mind you. Now that is a significant emotional event for Ren --I am sure he did not do it... Killing your father is one thing but if someone tries to kill his mother that is another thing. (remember snoke wants to isolate him as much as he can) I know Snoke hates her.
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  11. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    i likened it to Stockholm syndrome originally, but ptsd is probably more accurate.
    there are people on tumblr who run with the level of abuse he's suffered too far perhaps.
    other than a single threat in the book, there's no evidence of anything like actual physical harm, but i think it's safe to say he's been placed under a tremendous amount of psychological duress (and that's enough).
    we just really don't know for how long and to what degree.

    i hope we have lots of heroes in the ST!
    i think Ben and Rey are destined to save the galaxy and i have no qualms whatsoever if he plays second fiddle to her natural strengths if that's what it ends up being. just so long as he gets rescued.

    ACK! Lalalalalaa let's keep it spoiler free!!!
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  12. Winterstar

    Winterstar Clone Commander

    Mar 5, 2016
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    yes they will save the galaxy lol i think he will kill snoke maybe with her i cant say it a spoiler its all over this website lol so sorry
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  13. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    hahaha ~ not everyone reads the spoiler threads (that's why they're marked spoiler).

    you might want to edit your original post above. (epic fail)
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  14. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    I agree that we will have two heroes in these films - Ben and Rey. Especially as Kylo/Ben is the son of two of our OT heroes and we think the end game is to save him.
    However we really still don't know about the timeline of events. What you wrote is really just a speculation.
    As @FN-3263827 already said, that's a potential spoiler and should be kept out of the discussion on threads that are spoiler free, such as this one.
    Also and importantly it's a VERY INACCURATE ONE. See my several posts in the GENERAL STAR WARS EPISODE VIII NEWS & RUMORS thread starting at around page 40 on...and also in the PHOTOS OF DUBROVNIK thread...
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  15. Addi Ras

    Staff Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Also it is kind of off topic you guys have a great discussion going about Kylo Ren motivations & emotional state but please try & keep it to how that relates to the Falcon scene anything else ether in the Esp VII Rumor thread or the percific Kylo Ren Thread which you can use spooler in or Spooler tags to be safe.

    Thank You

    If you want to I can get this thread merged into the main Kylo Ren Thread so you can discus all his various charecter aspects
    #115 Addi Ras, Mar 27, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
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  16. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Yes. As it was already suggested Han and Leia have probably not been the best for him and he definitely feels betrayed and bitter. Also according to Han, Luke "felt responsible" which is an interesting phrase that possibly suggests that Luke has done something as well.
    I'm dying to know what happened and I think VIII should tell us all that.

    I again remembered that part from the novelization we have discussed before on the The Fate of Ben Solo thread.
    (A Thread which @Winterstar and @Boushhdisguise who are new to the Cantina should definitely check out if you haven't already!)


    The last sentence clearly states that there is something Kylo should forgive Han for.

    The Kylo on the Falcon scene as far as I found out is only 0:50 long and is the longest of the deleted scenes. It is hardly a problem lenght-wise. Cutting this scene out (for whatever reason) is simply an unforgivable mistake...

    What is interesting (from the parts of the scene we have seen so far) is that it indeed exactly mirrors the scene with Han entering the Falcon in the earlier part of the film.
    This is interesting also because it is evident that there are so many (deliberate) visual parallel/symmetrical contrasted scenes in the film as the father and son entering the Falcon scenes are.

    Among other obvious parallel scenes are:
    - Poe's interrogation by Kylo paralleled with that of Rey's.
    - Kylo's reaction to Finn holding Anakin's lightsaber (anger) and his reaction to Rey (awe).
    - Kylo locking swords with Finn using the small "cross guard" beam cutting into Finn's shoulder which he could have done, but didn't, with Rey.

    And now the Falcon scene which is apparently in its whole a symmetrical one.

    From entering the Falcon - the famous entrance of Han and Chewie "Chewie we're home" is shot from the very same angle as Kylo's entrance and both Han and Kylo pause after they enter at almost the same spot.
    Then showing both of them holding the seats in the cockpit showing both of them first from the back and then from the front.

    Visually the scenes are basically shot identically, but in a stark contrast to the emotions they portray.

    It's beautiful and also soul crushing in the case and definitely would have added depth and meaning to Kylo's scene with Han.

    Yes, in both the very early plot leaks from Making Star Wars.com and in the novelization Kylo seats in the pilot's seat and "has a moment", however interestingly Kylo entering the Falcon is not among the leaked shooting schedule scenes...

    I wonder if the changed it so that Han's entrance and Kylo's is symmetrical, as it ended up (I believe) deliberately) being...

    The script which was leaked is the script made after the final cut of the movie was made and finalized and was submitted to the academy, etc. for the movie's consideration for oscars and other awards...Thus the Falcon scene with Kylo is not there.
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  17. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    absolutely! he's so angry and hurt and he's clearly never resolved those feelings.
    and Snoke hasn't done a dang thing to move him past them ~ deliberately, i don't doubt.

    and again, i don't think it has to be anything worse than Ben feeling like they weren't there when he needed them, didn't protect him in the way he thought they could/should, and rejected him by sending him away.
    and Luke's part? Luke probably just wasn't firm enough with him when he needed it most (at the point of crisis).

    the parallels struck me last time i was watching and it came to the Han scene. i shy from making too much of small things, but i do agree that it struck me immediately and yeah, there's too much similarity for it to be coincidental.

    the other thing i would note about the parallels on this one is to emphasize again how the distinctions between the two scenes/moments so clearly show Ren's wrecked state of mind. even walking up the gangplank, Han and Chewie leap on board, guns at the ready, bodies confident and solid. Ren, on the other hand, lumbers on, hitches in the doorway, and kind of staggers through. he looks nervous and uncertain even though he knows no one is on board.

    p.s. thanks for that reminder about the script. i'm old. i fergit!
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2016 ---
    we'll try to keep it on track!
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  18. Boushhdisguise

    Boushhdisguise Jedi General

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Thanks for pointing this out to me. It that trailer for the DVD, it looks like he is shaking at bit (crying?). Being Force sensitive probably trying to feel something of the moments spent there, but I kind of wanted there to be him looking in some secret spot where he hid something from his youth. I am sure symbolically that is what it was. This kid is full of sentiment, even if he is fighting it. The Darkside should embrace you, and is supposed to be the easy path, but he seems to be making it hard.
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  19. Winterstar

    Winterstar Clone Commander

    Mar 5, 2016
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    as I understand it the deleted scenes are canon only if they do not conflict with the story line for example Pablo said that the part where Chewy rips off Plutts arm we are told that is canon and I am not even sure that is in the deleted scenes it was shot and is in the book... some scenes they subsituted at the last minute due to time constraints and i have already seen the delete scene of Kylo entering the Falcon so it must be there
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  20. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    It's really tricky with the deleted scenes. The latest tweet of Pablo Hidalgo (I think from yesterday or the day before) regarding the deleted scenes was that some are canon some are not depending on why they were cut out, which is again not a definitive response, as per usual...The scene with Unkar's arm is not among the deleted scenes therefore it is certainly not canon. So, some of the 7 or 8 deleted scenes which they will release with the BluRey/DVD may not be even canon according to Pablo. Everything else even if it's in the book (such as Unkar's arm scene), if it is not shot and is not released technically cannot be canon. (If I'm not mistaken that was not even shot). If something is in the novelizations but not in the movie is considered canon if it doesn't contradict the movie..whatever that means...
    Basically what canon means is if other writers/directors have to take it into consideration for consistency with the story or not. So technically that means that Unkar may still have his both arms or have only one arm if he ever reappears in the future...Both are possible. There is no constraint - and even if something happens in the novel, if it didn't happen in the movie, then they don't need to consider it a constraint going forth...
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