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"You still want to kill me...." What does Kylo Ren mean?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by FN-3263827, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    I was referring to the stuff where Snoke talks about Kylo - that he is the perfect embodiment of light and dark. That Kylo feels compassion towards Rey, that stuff...It should have been left in I think...
    Also more from Kylo and Rey dialogue should have been left in - like when he is telling her before trying to read her mind that he doesn't enjoy it and he prefers not to cause her any pain...
    That would have given pause to all those people now who see this scene as only a torture one...Despite the obvious parallels to distinctly differentiate it from Poe's interrogation which are deliberately there in the movie - but the fact is, many people apparently are not inclined/sensitive to see things unless they are explicitly spelled out for them...
    If they are going to redeem him (which I'm certain the end goal is), they simply made their job harder by not leaving those things in...
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  2. Boushhdisguise

    Boushhdisguise Jedi General

    Feb 24, 2016
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    It seemed anything that took away his "evil" from the novelization was left out of the movie.
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  3. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    yeah, those are the scenes i'm talking about. they're Snow-Queen level creepy and i feel like one of the reasons they decided to make Snoke a man instead of a woman was to try to mollify the creep-factor ~ but frankly, it just seems worse to me.

    even so, i agree they are critical to our current understanding of the relationship between Ren and Snoke and so it's a shame they were omitted. again, i think if they'd been preserved, we'd have a much more sympathetic Kylo Ren.

    he's definitely got a harder edge in the film and fewer threads to grasp at in terms of his humanity.

    on the one hand, that makes his scene on the bridge that more stunning, impactful.
    on the other hand, if you're going to ignore him on the bridge because of what he does, the character can get lost in the rest of it.
    #263 FN-3263827, Apr 10, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
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  4. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I just wanted to explain a bit how Kylo Ren is my favorite character and yet I still find him creepy (as I've mentioned a few times in this thread), because I find myself kind of vacillating between the two perspectives.

    There's a part of me that looks at the movie sort of removed, sitting in a comfy movie theater chair or at home on my couch. This me looks at the movie as a piece of art/drama, and this me looks at Kylo Ren and sees Han and Leia's beloved son and the bigger picture.

    Then there's the other part of me who puts myself in Rey's shoes, or imagines my young daughter in her place. This me is not amused.

    So when we get to Takadona, here's the two me's:

    Me1: Here comes Kylo Ren, fighting off those blaster shots kinda effortlessly. Dang, he looks cool. How does he not trip over those robes? OK, there's the cool freeze thing. Did he just check Rey out? What an obnoxious, conceited pig. I think he just sniffed her! (What a doofus.) Wait--what? Bridal carry? Oooh, now there's a dramatic twist. How are they gonna work that out? If this means romance, they have got their work cut out for them to make him romance-worthy. Guess I better buy my ticket for the redemption train early before they sell out. Did my favorite OT character ever, Han, just blow off Finn's concern for Rey? I guess he's pretty stunned with the thought of seeing both Leia and Ben on the same day.

    Me2 (same scenes): Oh my gosh, Rey looks scared. Kylo Ren is terrifying, with the all-black and being so big and the mask and the crazy lightsaber! :eek: She must be so frightened, being completely powerless. Did he just TOUCH her? :eek::eek: Get your hands off her, you monster! He's taking her back with him? What is he going to do to her? :eek::eek::eek::eek: I completely agree with Finn screaming, "Rey!" Did Han just blow off his concern for her? *punches Han in the mouth in my imagination* SOMEBODY GO SAVE THAT GIRL FROM THAT CREEPER OR DO I HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF?! :mad::eek::mad::eek::mad::eek:

    And don't even get the two me's started on the interrogation scene and "you still want to kill me"...:rolleyes:

    I really need Ben Solo to redeem himself before I develop deep personality issues. ;)
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  5. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    awww, it's rough, innit? somehow i was never too scared/worried for Rey. i just instinctively knew he wouldn't hurt her deliberately. and once she pushed back on him, everything was okay because clearly she wasn't going to fold under him.
    doesn't make any of it pleasant for her, but even before he took the helmet off, i knew something was going on--and once he took it off, it seemed clear to me he was just lonely and stupid.

    i especially love your reaction to Han! hahaha
    and i love that moment with Han, but i had never even thought of it from your perspective until now!

    all i saw was a father who has perhaps been living in denial and whose illusions have just been so shattered he can't even process it. it's one thing to know your son is out there being inconceivably awful. it's another to have to see him with your own two eyes and acknowledge it.
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  6. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Yep. Especially if Han hasn't really seen Ben in years and years... I wonder if he's ever seen him in the Kylo Ren duds and the mask, or he'd just heard the stories?
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  7. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    I did not feel afraid for Rey either. - we know she can handle herself...:pand it was quite obvious that Kylo did not want to harm her.
    I'm not having a split personality issues with Kylo somehow regarding his scenes with Rey. They are from two enemy factions. Rey has already involved herself with the Rebellion (via BB8 and befriending the traitor) and I see Kylo's behaviour towards her as dealing with someone who has put themselves in his path. He wants the droid so that he can get the map to the First jedi temple. This is his mission and Rey somehow got involved in that mission. So in this context whatever Kylo is doing is justifiable behaviour from his point of view.

    About Han's reaction. It was very understandable that he will be more shaken to have seen his son rather than concerned about a stranger he has just met...
    In the script there is one passage that says that Han is very relieved to see that Rey is safe when they spot her climbing in Starkiller Base
    "Chewie MURMURS his relief. Han is maybe more
    grateful than anyone."
    and I have seen some even speculating that this line is a "proof" that he thinks she is his lost daughter, but I think Han's relief is on behalf of his son. He is relieved that Ben did not harm her...
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  8. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I didn't know about that line. That is fantastic. I thought it was telling that Han didn't ask Rey if Kylo hurt her, but it's neat that he's still on Ben's side, as it were. Maybe even isn't surprised...?
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  9. Obi-Wan Solo

    Obi-Wan Solo Force Sensitive

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Yes, exactly! He has watched Kylo carry her (bridal style as it were), which we have analysed has its connotation that this is the gentlest way to carry anyone, if not anything else...so Han's relief is indeed that (as Leia has told him already before he left for SKB) that there is still light in him...

    (Finn on the other hand asks Rey directly if Kylo has hurt her which is a question she BTW leaves unanswered...Also at this point Finn surely doesn't know that Kylo is Han's son...and he has seen him in action and knows what he is capable of, vis Lor San Tekka...so he doesn't expect that rey would be unharmed whereas Han at least on some level apparently does...)
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  10. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    yes! it struck me from the start that Han somehow recognizes him, so he knows. and that's sad too!

    that's how that line struck me too ~ total relief that his son hasn't added more horror to his hands.

    and i agree about the mission. even though Ren is totally off-roading, he's got his mind focused on an objective and he's carrying it out. he's not doing all this with any intent of being creepy in any fashion or even terrorizing her. his behavior in the interrogation shows that he's acutely aware that he's scared her (and he's probably okay with that to some degree as it's a way of asserting dominance), but now he's trying to take the pressure off since he feels like he has the situation under control (foolish boy).
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 10, 2016 ---
    that's a great point! once he sees that Rey's escaped on her own, he's not worried at all.
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  11. Automatic

    Automatic Rebelscum

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Hahaha... awesome. Totally fair points, all.

    I mean, it's true, we view this stuff through the lens of our own experiences, tastes, expectations, etc. I never once saw Rey as a victim, even when incapacitated - and maybe that says more about me than about her?

    I like women who can stand toe-to-toe with any aggressor, so that's what I saw.
    I like redemption arcs, so that's what I saw.
    I like complicated, initially-antagonistic romances, so that's what I saw. (Yep, guilty!)
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  12. Boushhdisguise

    Boushhdisguise Jedi General

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Completely agree and feel this. It's so much fun. I love this character so much. He is so complex and interesting. Feel worried for Rey too, but I like that character as well, as soon as I figured her out.
    Also, I think Han was more in his own personal shock than anything, in the abduction scene. Sees that transporter and it's like he can't wait to get to it as well.
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  13. Klai Kenobi

    Klai Kenobi Rebel General

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Great Answer. He WANTS to be feared so badly. The mask, the dark side.. This is all part of him demanding respect and fear of him. Come to think of it, he is constantly asking for people to fear him that don't from the first scene until the last.

    Kylo: I will show you the dark side..
    Max Von Sydow: You may try (as he smirks at him)

    Kylo gets in Poe Dameron's face and tries to intimidate him with his sinister silence-
    Poe Dameron: So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first? ...It's just hard to understand with the whole mask..


    I could go on, Rey's reversal mind read, "you're afraid you'll never be as powerful as Darth Vader'. His father(Han) is not afraid of him. Even General Hux pushes back at Kylo Ren quite a bit(though under the safety net of Snoke's respect).. but most scenes are a hint that Kylo has not made his presence in the galaxy as a total threat quite yet.. I believe it's partly because his pull to the light that people sense a conflict within him (Like Luke confidently confronting Vader about his inner conflict without much fear). This makes Kylo most dangerous because he is doubted so much and now even more so that he got punked by Rey.
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    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  14. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    welcome to the Cantina @Klai Kenobi (and to this thread!).

    Ren definitely gets almost no respect. particularly after Takodana he's a total mess.
    one gets the impression he's never quite figured out how to get along with people in any capacity (guess he didn't inherit any diplomacy from his mother, though frankly Leia was never all that diplomatic ~ hahaha).

    interestingly, he is pretty scary occasionally and Rey is initially scared of him. i suspect he may be even scarier in episode viii.
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  15. RockyRoadHux

    RockyRoadHux Ginger General

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Yeah. Welcome.

    what does that supposed to mean? Clone trooper, I want your serial number, it will be submitted to command. Sanitation duty for two weeks.
    #275 RockyRoadHux, Jun 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
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