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SPECULATION Is Luke Rey's Father? - The Evidence For and Against

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by master_shaitan, Feb 17, 2016.


Is Rey the daughter of Luke Skywalker

  1. Yes

    234 vote(s)
  2. No

    288 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    124 vote(s)
  1. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Technically, she wasn't revealed to be anyone's daughter in The Force Awakens. Just that she felt a father-daughter connection with Han Solo.

    Luke wasn't [revealed to be] Vader's son in Star Wars (1977), and Leia wasn't his sister.
    #361 MagnarTheGreat, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  2. thetophus

    thetophus Rebelscum

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Bingo. Perhaps Luke will reveal that he killed her parents, an admission that Snoke and Kylo will exploit in order to lure Rey to the Dark Side.
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  3. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Or maybe Rey's mother turned to the dark side and Luke killed the mother of his child?
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  4. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    "Rey is where she needs to be."

    This line isn't in the adult novelization or the script/movie.

    Also, this is interesting:

    ...and Rey shot first.
    #364 MagnarTheGreat, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
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  5. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Pablo Hidalgo: "[The possibility] that Leia had a child without Han? Yeah, that doesn't work at all." (March 5, 2016) "[Han and Leia split] when their son became a murderer. Given the age difference between Rey and Kylo, for what you proposed to be true..." (March 5, 2016) "... Kylo would have been 10? Kinda weird all around." (March 5, 2016) "[Is 'dropped off' or 'left' behind the better way to describe Rey's situation on Jakku?] 'Abandoned' seems to fit best if that vision is any indicator." (March 5, 2016) "Did they say [they were coming back] so or did Rey hope so?" (March 5, 2016) "[A voice says so in the novelization ("I'll come back, sweetheart."), I guess she could've imagined it...?] [Rey] seemed very young. But I guess we'll find out in time." (March 5, 2016)

    I did a big update to this compilation post.
    #365 MagnarTheGreat, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
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  6. Moral Hazard

    Moral Hazard Force Sensitive

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I see DailyPlunge has confirmed she knows who her parents are but your comment is probably true in a holistic sense.

    Since the hubbub over Daisy's comments about the re-shooting of "opening scenes for Ep VIII" Pablo seems to have gone out of his way to discredit reporters trying to gleen SW info from her or read too much into the actor's responses. E.g. March 4 -

    ...Quick! Someone ask Daisy Ridley about Snoke! :)

    ...I was gonna joke 'ask her about Plagueis' and then I remembered some reporter asked her about that before the movie came out. lol

    ..."Daisy, how long would you say an Executor-class Star Dreadnought is?"

    And Pablo reTweeting others comments...

    ...@pablohidalgo that's your resolution to the canon questions, just have Daisy answer and we will accept any adorable answer she gives :)

    ...@pablohidalgo "Daisy, can you explain why the turret in the Falcon is different?"

    She is an actor - a talented one IMO - but no SW buff, writer, producer, editor etc. She'll likely know more than most about the backstory details and motivations of the character she plays that's necessary for her work but probably not too much more than she needs to know.

    I'll take all her comments with a grain of salt - especially since her comment to ET about Rian being even more "tricky" (did I hear that word right?) than JJ about information leaks.

    these SW peeps are smart, sneaky with solid senses of humor and I don't trust their comments to media one bit! ;)
    #366 Moral Hazard, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
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  7. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    What do folks make of Mark Hamill's comments that "Luke could be gay" in relation to this thread? I don't want to hear any homophobic nonsense - just whether it might indicate that it is more unlikely that Luke had a wife and fathered a daughter.

    Was MH simply drawn into this and answered without thinking about the consequences or does it just show how Luke remains a hermit mentor who is simply there to pass on the sword (leaving his sexuality open purely to interpretation)?

    At face value it strikes me as being an odd thing to say if he is currently filming scenes where Luke actually turns out to have been married and had a daughter. But then at the same time, it makes little sense anyway considering how attracted he was to Leia in A New Hope. So is it just a throwaway comment, typical of nice guy Mark trying not to exclude anyone's interpretation or something more than that?
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  8. littlepadawan91

    littlepadawan91 Rebelscum

    Jan 13, 2016
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    I'm really torn about this, like 50/50.

    I'm fairly new to the Star Wars universe. I had tickets for TFA, so I decided to marathon the movies for the first time (the only one I had watched previously was Revenge of the Sith, back when it was released). I had no idea Rey's origins were a mystery and this controversial, so I wasn't actively looking for clues.

    None of the so-called parallels between Rey and Luke ringed any bells for me. When I think of a pilot, my thoughts go to Han, not Luke. Apart from growing up in the desert, Rey and Luke had drastically different childhoods. She's Force sensitive like all the previous protagonists. That's a Star Wars thing. She managed to pull out the saber from the snow because she was stronger than an injured Kylo at that point. The Force called to her through the saber because she was destined to become the next great Jedi.

    These were my first impressions (as a sidenote, Rey's immediate connection to Han and the awfully long hug between Rey and Leia did catch my attention).

    Before I continue, I need to bring up a few discussion points that don't seem to be brought up often and seem crucial to the matter. The first one concerns who exactly Rey has been waiting for in Jakku. The movie suggests she's waiting for her family, as a general entity (mother, father, sibling, even an uncle or aunt could fit). The book Before The Awakening is more specific and she refers to her "parents". In another book, however, called Rey's Story, she seems to have no memory of her parents and doesn't even seem sure who she's hoping might come back for her.

    Check out these excerpts:

    Has she been mind wiped? Has she repressed traumatic memories?
    Regardless, that might shed a new light on Maz Kanata's words. To me, it seems like what she was trying to say is along the lines of "Look, child, I don't know who you are waiting for back in Jakku. But whoever they are, they are not coming back and you need to move on". Maz doesn't know anything about Rey. She asked Han who she was and what he probably told her was "oh she's just this girl who lives in Jakku and tried to escape in the Falcon. She wants to go back as soon as possible. Poor girl, she seems lonely". Maz simply has no way to know who Rey's parents are. She's Force sensitive, but not psychic. Encouraging a young woman - who for 15 years has been waiting for God knows what - to leave her terrible life behind is an advice anyone could give, knowing Rey or not.

    I still think her "belonging" that lies ahead means her destiny to become a Jedi. Because her encounter with Luke is all about the light saber. It's "an offer, a plea, the galaxy's only hope". Speaking of which, I'm still unsure if Luke recognized her or not. Yes, the script says he doesn't need to ask who she is or what she's doing there. But right afterwards it states "his look says it all" and that, "in response", Rey pulls out the saber. So it can be read as "Luke doesn't need to ask who she is because his look is inquisitive enough. In response to his silent question, she pulls out the saber".

    I suppose the reason why I'm hesitant to embrace Rey Random is that I can't imagine how being unfamiliar with whoever her parents are won't be at least a little bit of a letdown. The powers that be (KK, Abrams, Rian, etc.) have got to be aware of that.

    Personally, I'm gonna cling to the 0.01% chance of Rey Solo until it's taken out of my cold dead hands, because that's just the better story to me. I find it disappointing that the main conflict of this trilogy is either going to be cousin vs. cousin or stranger vs. stranger. I consider it a downgrade from father vs. son and best friend vs. best friend. They could have made Ben Luke's son instead and I would be excited for Rey Skywalker. Nothing was stopping them. There were countless other ways to get Han killed. But he's Leia's son.

    Everything about Rey Solo is compelling to me. Rey never had anyone. Leia lost everyone. Now they can find solace in each other. Rey discovers that the man she bonded with was her real father and he slipped through her fingers all because of her brother. Her anger and hatred for him will skyrocket, but at the same time she's gonna find herself unable to finish him off, because he's family, he's everything she's ever wanted. It rubs me the wrong way how mothers are so often pushed aside in Star Wars and this would be a chance to change that.

    Oh, well. I guess there's always the EU.

    As for Mark's comments above, I think he's just trying to be nice and encouraging to the LGBT fans.

    BUT... if Luke ends up having a wife, the effect is gonna be quite the opposite: no, Luke's sexuality is not up for debate. I was just giving you false hopes.
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  9. Fooled Trooper

    Fooled Trooper Rebel Official

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It´s true...all of it...Luke was gay the whole time. Great. Its is the most important thing since ANH and thank you JJ...

    So yeah...Luke Rey´s Father? No...Because it´s 2015...eh 16 duh... But on a more serious note:

    If Rey is Lukes Daughter in any considerable way, it would cast a bad light on him in every way.
    He leaves a Daughter behind. Doesn´t take her back or left her on Jakku for good. This kind of action is hard to excuse.

    JJ and Mark Hamill are working closely together. It might have been something from a brainstorming session or we now get some clue where things are going for our childhoods hero...

    Or does gay now mean that Luke wasn´t interested in any woman the last 30 years because of something? Now that is what I call speculating...
    #369 Fooled Trooper, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  10. Force238

    Force238 Rebel General

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Daisy Ridley's recent comments weren't the first time that she had suggested that Rey wasn't Han and Leia's daughter. Back in December, a reporter had asked Daisy which of the popular rumors had come closest to the truth, and she answered that one would have been true if TFA had followed the EU/Legends storyline (likely the Jaina and Jacen Solo storyline). BTW, when asked which rumor had been the farthest from the truth, she answered the one about Luke being evil or had turned to the dark side.

    JJ mentioned that they had removed some scenes from TFA at the request of RJ. Perhaps the revelation about Rey's parents was one of those scenes? This could explain why the released film contradicted Daisy's comments.

    In the classic myths throughout the world that had been studied by Joseph Campbell, the main hero usually fits one of the following three patterns: (1) a child of a god, (2) a "returned version" of the previous savior/hero, via reincarnation, resurrection, or return from exile, (3) the descendent of the previous savior/hero. The most famous example is the story of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God, has been resurrected, and will return at the end time. Star Wars has also followed the classic myth pattern so far in that Anakin was conceived by the Force and Luke was Anakin's son. If the ST continues to follow the classic myth pattern (and Rey is the main hero), then Rey is either conceived by the Force like Anakin, or is a reincarnation of Anakin, or is the daughter of Luke.
    #370 Force238, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
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  11. KiraRey_KyloRen

    KiraRey_KyloRen Rebel General

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I'm starting to hate this Pablo Hidalgo guy, first i just thought he was obnoxious, his tweets about Daisy are close to be disrespectful, she is the star of the new Star Wars trilogy not some extra
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  12. Moral Hazard

    Moral Hazard Force Sensitive

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Nothing more than that IMO and it remains to be seen if any character's sexual orientation will effect prospective progeny. It seems to me such inclusiveness is wise from humanistic, artistic and commercial standpoints. I figure MH - like most people who's comments about such matter's often gain further attention - is just acknowledging and empathizing with a harmless minority who are often the subject of oppression and suffering. Good on him if makes anyone feel better as a result. It seems that the cumulative effect of multiple public acknowledgments of such oppression can sometimes give the impression of an agenda being "pushed" when in an ideal culture it would perhaps remain a more private or background issue.
    Perhaps - even likely - although I don't see the Force or a Jedi culture playing a part in the belonging Maz mentions. As far as we know she was unaware of any extra-ordinary abilities making her feel an "un-belonging" that a Jedi apprenticeship would rectify. I think she found her "belonging" the moment she was part of a group that demonstrated genuine love, support and affinity with her. Up until her coming across Finn, Han, Chewie, Leia etc she was in an exploitative and lonely situation.
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  13. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Here's Carrie Fisher trying to dissuade/trick us into thinking that Han and Leia were never married last year:


    #373 MagnarTheGreat, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
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  14. Winterstar

    Winterstar Clone Commander

    Mar 5, 2016
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    i am with you
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  15. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    He gave the answer for our times. Nothing more and nothing less.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 7, 2016 ---
    Or Luke could be the father and the rest of your speculation is incorrect .
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  16. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Yeah maybe, but if he is currently filming scenes where he has a wife and a kid - isn't that a dick move? I mean saying "yeah, Luke could be gay" to support a minority/persecuted group but knowing that Luke isn't gay...well, that could be a bit tactless. I think Hamill is a top guy and he is thoughtful. I can't see him just saying something like that in the heat of the moment when he is in the middle of filming scenes that would contradict the statement.
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  17. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    She probably read the script for Episode 8 several months ago. The only way she doesn't know who her real parents are is if it's not revealed in Episode 8 and if Rian Johnson has refused to tell her who it is in Episode 9. From a story standpoint I can't imagine this question dragging to Episode 9.

    If Rey is revealed to be Luke's daughter the conflict could shift to the mother. For all we know the mom is still alive and she's on the dark side.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 7, 2016 ---
    Nope. This is a non-issue.
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  18. Fooled Trooper

    Fooled Trooper Rebel Official

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Good one but also why not. He is an actor. He promotes stuff. Just like JJ and Bad Robot with some new focus on females in their company.
  19. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Is it? I mean, if he felt that he had to answer the question but didn't want to give away the secret that he is Rey's dad (if he said a straight no then he;d have to justify that else maybe be viewed as bigoted), he could just point to the fact that he once kissed his sister/fancied Leia. He could say "I'm not sure if Luke was gay because he liked Leia..."

    But in answering with an affirmative - "yes he could be gay", whilst he is filming scenes with his daughter and potentially his wife then that seems a silly thing to say to me.

    It could be nothing, but it doesn't sit quite right with me.
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  20. Jedi MD

    Jedi MD Jedi Commander

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Mark is not going to give anything away about the movie so his answer about Luke's sexual preferences has no bearing on the current state of Luke's character. Mark is being politically correct in his answer.
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